Wednesday, January 28, 2009

User Experience Deliverables

Peter Morville shares his experience of how two books have inspired him to think differently about discovery, communication and design.

Also he shares the list of twenty user experience deliverables with links to relevant sources and examples.

The list goes on like this:
Stories, Proverbs, personas, scenarios, Content Inventories, Analytics, User Surveys, Concept Maps, System Maps, Process Flows, Wireframes, Storyboards, Concept Designs, Prototypes, Narrative Reports, Presentations, Plans, Specifications, Styleguides and Design Patterns.

Click to view the snapshot and details on the UX deliverables discussed above

All the collections of icons and images used for the article are available @

Monday, January 05, 2009

3D Human Machine Interface

The Human Machine Interface (HMI) is where people and technology meet. This people-technology intercept can be as simple as the grip on a hand tool or as complex as the flight deck of a jumbo jet.

HMI effectiveness is measured by a number of components are bound under "usability," and measured by 3 major factors
  1. Effectiveness
  2. Effeciency
  3. Satisfaction

XTR3D developed software that lets users interact with computers and gaming consoles using 3D human motions. XTR3D technology is real-time software analyzes 3D human motions using only one simple web cam, with out any additional accessories. It will allow users to play games and interact in virtual ...

Click to view the video or